Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A week passed, and the news of the girl driving a pink Spider that won the race against Lisa of the Rising Sun, spread liked wild fire. Lisa was never left alone that week. She was being stalked and questioned regarding the owner of the pink car. She had only told them that the owner of the car was a girl named Cherry and nothing more. Even with what she said she was still being asked. Lisa was annoyed and she exploded. And because of that no one had dared to come up to her about Cherry again.

The members of Rising Sun were astonished by Lisa's reaction. Every time she lost a race, like the last race with Meiling, she would be pissed for weeks. However, with last Saturday's race, she was pretty cool about it. They had asked her why and her answer was: "I had fun for the first time in a long time and I felt satisfied".

Of course the news did not go unnoticed by the Dark Angels and the Emperor. Tomoyo once again told the girls that her race with Cherry was not a fluke, and with Lisa's loss, this was proven to be fact. They finally accepted the fact and now were curious to know who Cherry was. And how come they had never seen her around before. And why she suddenly appeared. These questions were what the Emperor had in mind as well. Meiling, for one, wanted, no she desired to race against Cherry. She was interested to see the skills of Cherry first-hand.

Now, the four Dark Angels plus Meiling were sitting at Clow's Café and discussing about Cherry; however, the topic was somehow changed into a matchmaking scheme for an emerald eyed girl and an amber eyed boy.

"I'm telling you, they'll make the cutest couple!"

"Shhh. Everyone's looking at us," Jia said.

"Oh oh, that was what I thought as well!" Meiling joined, squealing. The three remaining girls sweat dropped and slid further down in their chairs.

"I don't know them," Chiharu mumbled, but it was loud enough for the rest to hear. Rika and Jia nodded while Tomoyo and Meiling chose to ignore the comment.

"We should get them together! Oh my god, I can just imagine. My cute Sakura walking along the beach with Syaoran, hand-in-hand, while the sun is setting…Ooooooh! So cute!"

"Syaoran needs a girl! And so far, Sakura is the only one that actually didn't fall for his charms! They'll be the perfect match!" Meiling clapped her hands together.

Tomoyo nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes!"

"We should start this soon. Now!"

"Operation matchmaking: Sakura and Syaoran. Commence!" Tomoyo high-fived with Meiling, giggling.

"You guys have to help us too!" Meiling turned to the three girls who had their faces behind menus, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Reading," Rika replied from behind the menu.

"Oh really? I never knew you could read upside down," Meiling arched her brow.

"Oh, oops," she laughed sheepishly, switching it to the right way.

"Girls, menus down. Now!" Tomoyo ordered. The three girls sighed and placed the menus down. Tomoyo turned to Meiling, "What should we do? How can we make them get closer?"

"Hmm," Meiling tapped her chin and then snapped her fingers.

"You told Sakura to come here, right?" Tomoyo nodded. "Excellent. I'll call Syaoran to come here as well!" Meiling said.

"Okay, call him!"

Five minutes later, Sakura walked into the Café. Waving at her friends, she walked to the counter and ordered a vanilla shake. Once she was done, she went over to the girls and sat down next to Meiling.

"Hey girls!"

"Late as usual," Tomoyo teased.

Sakura stuck out her tongue. A few minutes later, the waitress came with Sakura's shake. Smiling, she said thanks.

The girls were talking about nothing in particular. Noticing Meiling's fidgeting Sakura asked, "What's wrong Meiling? You've been staring at your watch for a while now. Not to mention, you can't sit still."

"Oh? Really? I have no idea," scratching the back of her head, she laughed sheepishly.

Where the hell are you, Syao— "Over here!" Meiling suddenly shouted and moved herself next to Tomoyo, leaving one empty spot next to Sakura. The two girls grinned knowingly. Sakura looked at Meiling and was about to ask but was interrupted.

"Sorry, got caught up with things," a male voice said and sat himself down next to Sakura.

Don't tell me…

"Little Blossom, you're here as well!" the boy grinned.

Sakura groaned, "Go away jerk!" She turned her face the other side, sipping her shake.

"Only if you come with me, Little Blossom"

"Stop calling me that!" she glared at him.

"Call you what, Little Blossom?"

"Ooooooooh!" Sakura was about to drink but her shake was taken away.

"Hey, give me—what are you doing?" she gasped, watching him drinking her shake from the straw. Her straw.

Oh my god, that's like…like…She blushed. Tomoyo and Meiling giggled quietly amongst each other.

"Thanks for the drink," Syaoran said, giving back her drink.

"You can have it," she mumbled.

"Tsk tsk tsk Syaoran. Didn't you know? Drinking from another person's drink is like—"


"—an indirect kiss!" Meiling emphasised on the word 'kiss'.

"Wh-what?" he flushed. Sakura reddened even more.

Looking at Sakura, who was staring at the table, he said, "I—err—um—sorry." He stuttered, very unlike the usual Syaoran Li. The girls giggled.

"Shut up Mei." Meiling stuck her tongue out.

"Anyways," she changed the subject, "Will you girls be coming to our school festival next week?"

"Oh goodess, I totally forgot about it!" Tomoyo exclaimed.

"School festival?" Sakura asked.

"The one like in Japan," Tomoyo answered.

"Oh. Great! What'll your class do?"

"We're doing a café this year," Meiling smiled, glancing at her cousin. "And it's going to be a big hit!"

Syaoran groaned, causing Meiling to giggle lightly.

"Eh why's that?" Chiharu asked.

"'Cause our Syaoran here will be our main source of income!" Sakura tilted her head sideways.

"He's verypopular in our school. He even has his own fan club! Think about it, with all those girls...ka-ching ka-ching!" Meiling stated.

Syaoran grimaced and slumped down on his chair. He didn't mind school festival but when his so called friends and cousin thought it was a good idea to use him, he started to change his mind about the whole thing. He hated being surrounded by fan-girls. They'd squealed and screamed his name and tried to jump him. It was the worst experience, ever!

Sakura started giggling. Syaoran asked, "What is so amusing?"

"Oh nothing," she shrugged, grinning like a cheriese cat. Syaoran's eyes narrowed in suspicious but he didn't retort. He continued to look scowled.

Meiling ignore her cousin's looks and asked, "So, you girls coming?"

"Of course! We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Sweet! It's next Wednesday, come at any time,"

- X -

"Thanks for the ride,"

"Your welcome Little Blossom,"

Sakura rolled her eyes, "Will you stop calling me that! I'm Sakura! Sa-Ku-Ra!"

He grinned, "Okay, Lit-tle Blos-som,"

"Argh, you're hopeless!" she unbuckled the seatbelt, opened the door and stepped out.

"Wait!" Syaoran called out.


"Don't forget to dream about me tonight," Sakura slammed the car door shut and walked toward her front door without looking back.

Syaoran chuckled and drove off once Sakura was inside the house.

- X -

Next day in class at HK high

"Oh Kami! Who told him? Who? WHO?"

"Calm down, Sakura," Rika said calmly.

"Who told my moblie number to that…that jerk?" Sakura screamed, earning herself stares from the whole classroom.

"Shh! Everyone's looking, Sakura," Chiharu said.

"Let them look. I don't care! Now tell me, who's the culprit?"

Tomoyo giggled softly. Sakura's head turned to her. "Tomoyo!"

"I didn't give him your number…" she started.

"Then who did?" Sakura frowned.

"…Although, I did give the number to Meiling…" she trailed off.

"Meiling? But why would she give my number to him?"

"Maybe he's interested in you?" Jia suggested.

"Him, interested in me? Hah! When pigs fly!"

- X -

After school

"Hey, look at that awesome car!"

"My god! It's so hot!"

"No, no! That boy is hot!"

"Yeah, who's he?"

"Eh? What's going on?" Rika looked at the crowd that was blocking the path.

"Maybe they're giving out freebies?" Jia said standing on her tip-toe.

"Gah! I can't see a damn thing!" Chiharu complained.

"C'mon girls lets go see what's up," Tomoyo said and pulled a reluctant Sakura along. The five girls pushed their way through the crowd.

"YOU! What are you doing here?" Sakura yelled pointing at the person ten meters in front of her.

"Is that any way to greet a friend?" the voice replied, grinning and walking closer to the five girls.

"You're notmy friend!" Sakura huffed, crossing her arms and looking away.

"I'm hurt…Is this about last night? You're still mad? You know I can't resist, I just have to do it," everyone looked at them with curiosity.

"Shut up! You kept me up all night!" everyone's jaws dropped, including those of her four friends at the announcement. Tomoyo giggled madly at the outburst.

"Oh c'mon. It's not that long-"

"Yeah right,"

"-only a few hours, besides, you weren't tired,"

"I was sleepy! And you just wouldn't stop and leave me alone!" some girls in the crowd fainted while the guys had proud looks on their faces.

"Don't tell me…my innocent Sakura is not so innocent anymore and it's because of Li!" Tomoyo cried dramatically.

Sakura blinked in confusion.

"Me? What did I do?" Syaoran raised his eyebrow.

"I knew it! It's always the quieter one!" A random guy from the crowd shouted.

"Shame. Shame!" Some girl shouted.

"Eh? What are you people talking about?" Sakura blinked, turning to her friend for answers. They were all staring at her with their mouths opened, except for Tomoyo who was giggling.

"Sa-Sakura? Isn't it a bit fast? Too fast?" Chiharu said, blushing.

"You and Li…last night. What did you guys do?" Jia asked.

"Oh that…he-"

"Jia! You don't ask people their…personal stuff!" Rika blushed.

"It's alright Rika," Sakura smiled.

"Are you sure?"


"Then what are you waiting for? Tell!" Jia demanded, grinning madly.

"Um okay," Sakura sweat dropped and started her story.

"He called me very late last night and woke me up and he wouldn't stop calling me until I had a decent conversation with him. I didn't get to sleep until one!" at this she glared at the amber eyed boy.


"Um…what's with the silence?"

"…So it was just…a phone call…between you two?" Jia asked finally.

"Of course! What did you guys think it was?"

There was a collective sigh of disappointment emitted from the crowd (mostly from the guys). Her three friends dropped to the ground; they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Tomoyo on the other hand…was laughing hysterically.

"And I caught it all on tape!"

- X -

"Oh Kami! You guys thought th-that me…him…did that?" Sakura blushed, avoiding looking at Syaoran who was sitting opposite her. Syaoran smirked, glancing at the red faced girl.

The six girls and boy sat in the back table inside Clow's Café. Each had drinks in front of them.

"Oh you poor thing, Sakura," Meiling said patting her back.

"Sorry Sakura, Li, but it wasn't our fault…your conversation was a bit…suspicious. And it sounded very much like…that," Rika apologised.

"It's alright guys. It's not your fault," Sakura smiled looking at her friends. She glanced over at Syaoran who was also looking at her; she couldn't help but blush and quickly looked away.

Syaoran smiled, she's cute when she's embarrassed.

- X -

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