Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Wednesday: third week into the holiday and a week until the Shinto's Cup.

For Sakura, the word excitement was an understatement. She had been waiting patiently for this week to arrive. The week where she would be doing something she loved and something she enjoyed immensely. Because of this, she had been in a good mood and smiled like a maniac. Her friends gave her weird looks but she brushed it off, telling them that she had missed them and was glad to be back. Fortunately for her, they bought her story. However, they weren't the only one. Syaoran had been looking at her strangely too, but his one was more of…suspicion.

Now why would he be suspicious of her? Had she done something to make him doubt her? Sakura racked her brain for any possible explanation but came up with nothing. So she did what she thought was best, avoidance. She had been hiding from him for 3 days and hopefully until she had figure out the reason for his doubtfulness. But as fate would have it, her friends thought otherwise, and asked her – more like demanded her, to meet them.

So here she was, pacing around the living room, waiting for him to arrive. The same himshe had tried so hard to avoid: Syaoran. Sakura sighed. She had to admit that she was nervous about this confrontation after all she hadn't seen him for 3 days. She had hoped he would forget whatever made him became suspicious of her.


Sakura jumped at the sound of the door bell.

Damnit. He's here already? Why is he always on time!


Now, now Sakura. Breathe. That's right. In. Out.

Sakura closed her eyes and took a deep breath before reopening them, this time with determination. She walked towards the door, reaching for the door knob and pause.


She opened the door and was met with intense amber eyes. She stared at him in awe. Syaoran was wearing his normal casual attire, consisted of a pair of jeans, sneakers and a black shirt with the top two buttons undone. His brown hair was as messy as usual. In short, he was darn sexy! Not that she would tell him. His ego was big enough as it is.

"Ready to go little Blossom?" he grinned, knowing that she was staring at him.

Realising that she was gawking, Sakura blushed and averted her eyes. "Y-yeah."

She turned around, ready to close the door when she felt a hand moved pass her side and covered her own on the door knob. Sakura's breath hitched when he leaned in closer to her.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Closing the door of course," he replied whilst closing the door slowly. Syaoran took a whiff at the scent of her hair and closed his eyes.

Strawberry and vanilla. He loved her scent. It matched her perfectly. Sweet, innocent and absolutely—

"Edible," he whispered into her ears. Sakura gasped. His voice sent chills down her spine. She didn't how to describe what she felt but it was…exciting. And she found herself wanting more.

She blush deep red, embarrassed about what she was thinking about. Deep in her thoughts, Sakura didn't feel Syaoran moved away from her and now stood in front of his car, waiting.

"Coming little Blossom?"

His voice snapped her out from her trance. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Sakura inhaled, readying herself and turned around. She walked towards his car and stopped in front of the door on the front passenger side. She tried to open the door but found it was locked. She waited but nothing happened. Sakura frowned and looked up and found herself staring into an amused chocolate eye.

"What's so funny?"

"You," he answered shortly with a grin.

"What's that suppose to mean?" her emerald eyes narrowed.

"Did you know that you're even cuter when you're mad?" He changed the subject.

Sakura blushed and averted her eyes. "Unlock."

Syaoran smirked but did as she asked.


It took them 10 minutes to arrive at the meeting point, Clow's Café. As soon as the car was parked, Sakura jumped out of the car and started towards the entrance, not waiting for the amused Syaoran who was behind her.

Once she entered, she found Tomoyo, Meiling, and Eriol sat at the table near the window. She walked towards them with an irritation look on her face. She greeted them and sat down.

"What has my idiot cousin done this time?" Meiling asked knowing that Syaoran was the only person could make Sakura annoyed.

Instead of answering straight away, Sakura found herself thinking back at the incident.

'Edible'. She blushed, shaking her head.


"Are you blushing?" She teased.

Sakura turned redder but shook her head in negative.

Raising her brow in disbelieve, "Right."

Syaoran joined their table seconds later. He slid down on the chair next to Sakura and rested his arm across her chair. Sakura glared at him but he returned her with an innocent smile, and ordered their drinks when the waitress came by. Huffing in irritation, she ignored him and started talking with the girls.

About half and hour later, Sakura felt someone was playing with her hair. She turned to the closest person.

"Stop that," she glowered.

"Stop what?" Syaoran asked as he twirled strands her hair with his index finger.

"That!" she pointed to his finger that was playing with her hair.

"Why? I like playing with your hair. It's silky."

Sakura blushed and forced her voice not to quiver. "I don't!"

He shrugged. "Too bad," he replied and continued his action. Groaning, she ignored the giggles of her friends, Syaoran's finger, and Eriol amusement look, and observed around the place. Her eyes stopped on the table opposite her.

The table were filled with 5 boys, but one of the boys interested her. She tilted her head sideway as she studied him. He reminded her of Ryo, she smiled.

Syaoran was watching this with an unknown feeling. "Do you know him?" He asked staring at the black hair boy.

"He reminds me of someone." she said with a hint of adoration in her voice as continued to watch him. Syaoran gritted his teeth. His fist clenched as he watched his Blossom staring at the unknown boy.

Sensing someone was watching him, the said boy turned around and his eyes met with Sakura's. He gave her a small smile and a wave before turning back to his friends. Sakura blushed and averted her gaze.

She was wrong. That boy was nothing like Ryo. It was true that Ryo was handsome with his black spiky hair, but that boy was cute; however not as cute as Syaoran. She blushed harder at the thought.

Syaoran narrowed his eyes. He didn't like when his little Blossom stared at some boy, much less blushing at him.

"Stop staring," he said bluntly.

"I was not!" Sakura protested.

"Right, you look like you were about to eat him."

She gasped which turned into a grin. "What if I want to eat him? Why? Are you jealous?"

He blinked.


Why would he be jealous?

Just because hisSakura was smiling at some random guy, and that his Sakura was blushing because of the same random guy...Reality hit him like a brick. He wasjealous. Syaoran Li was jealous.

Finally knowing what the unknown feeling was, he gave her his trademark smirk which caused her grin to fade. Sakura gulped. He was up to something was her only thought.

"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?"

Sakura blinked. She wasn't expected him to say that. Shifting in her chair nervously, she avoided his intense gaze.

"God, stop flirting and just ask her out already!" Meiling interrupted.

Tomoyo nodded enthusiastically. "Go for it, I'm ready." She said, whipping out her trusted camcorder.

"To—"she was stopped when Syaoran caught her chin and brought her face in his direction.

"Will you be my girl, Sakura?"

Sakura was stunned. She couldn't hear the excited squeal of her friends or the chuckled from Eriol. She was too shock to speak or even move, so she just stared into his dark chocolate eyes.

Smiling, Syaoran said. "I take your silence as a yes," and then kissed her on the cheek.

Sakura blinked and then blinked again. What had just happened? Did Syaoran asked her to be his girlfriend? Did he just—Was she-

"I'm your girlfriend?"

"Yes, from this moment on." She just stared at him in shock. "Don't worry, I don't bite…much." He then kissed her on the cheek again. Sakura flushed and remained silent but there was a small smile on her face.

"About time! Ooh, Tomoyo, you have to make a copy of that for me, and we need to show the girls too! They missed out on the actions!"

Tomoyo giggled, her eyes twinkling as she stroke her camcorder lovingly. "Oh don't you worry, I'll make tons of copies. One for me, one for you, Eriol, Rika, Jia, Chiharu, you too of course, Sakura, Syao—"

"MOYO!" Sakura cried out in embarrassment. Her face was redder than cherries.


At around 5pm, Syaoran parked his car in front of Sakura's house. Turning to his left, he guided Sakura's face towards his. "Let's go on a date tomorrow."

"O-okay," she blushed. Syaoran grinned. He leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips, lingering for a bit before leaving. Sakura's eyes widened in surprised, her face was flaming.

"S-see you tomorrow," she stammered.

"I'll pick you up at 10, my Blossom."

Sakura gave him a small smile before she got out of the car and headed towards the front door of her house. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. After closing the door, she leaned against the wooden door. She placed her hand over her heart, and as she thought, it was beating rather rapidly. Once she heard Syaoran's car engine faded away, she trekked upstairs to her room.

She lay down on her bed, facing the white ceiling. Sakura couldn't help but grin. Today was unbelievable. She had previously thought today would be the worst day of her life but as it turned out, it was the best day of her life. She, Sakura Kinomoto, was Syaoran Li's girlfriend. She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Sakura paused.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow... Tomo—

Gasping, she jumped up from her bed, and rushed to the study table, she picked up a piece of paper. Her eyes skimming through the content and sighed.

I knew it.

Schedule for Shinto's Cup (Draft 1)

Cherry: #96


Starting from:


18.00pm - #412

(If qualify)

20.00pm - #78


19.00pm - #123

20.30pm - #369


18.00pm - #12


No race.


Qualifies are being randomly match for the Tag-team race to eliminate racers to 100. (Inclusive of Tuen-Mun region.)



First Main Round (Tag-team race):

50 qualifiers are able to enter the Second Main Round.


Second Main Round 1 (Time race):

5 qualifiers are able to enter the Semi-finals.


Second Main Round 2 (Time race):

5 qualifiers are able to enter the Semi-finals.


Semi-Finals (Grip race):

5 qualifiers are able to enter the Finals.


No race


Finals (Drag race):

The last 5 racers are to compete until there's only 1 winner for the Shinto's Cup.

Oh well. At least tomorrow won't be boring.


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