Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Sakura got up early the next morning. But truth to be told, she didn't sleep much. She was tossing and turning in her bed all night, and didn't get to sleep until much, much later. Sakura yawned and stumbled her way into the bathroom. She stared at the mirror and resisted the urge to groan. She looked a like zombie.

After she was done freshening up, she dressed for the day. She went down the stairs and started to cook breakfast for her father and herself. Nearly an hour later, Sakura was done eating. She cleaned up and went back upstairs to get ready. Once she was ready, she grabbed her cap and keys and left the house with her trusted car.

It was not time for the race, and she didn't want to be there early. She didn't want to face him yet. So she decided to drive around the city. She wanted to clear her head from him. She couldn't get distracted today. It could probably be her last race here, in Hong Kong, and she wanted to give her very best.

When it was near the meeting time, she headed towards the race-course. Once there, she noticed that she was the last one to arrived, which was okay for her, since she was trying to avoid a certain someone.

Sakura sat on a chair reserved for the racers only. She faced heaven-ward and closed her eyes. She felt someone was watching her but she ignored it. She tried to blank her minds and thought of only the racing, but it would always come back to one thing. Syaoran.

Sakura opened her eyes when she felt a nudge. She forced herself to smiled and said, "Good morning, Lei."


'How could I not see it?' Syaoran frowned as he observed 'Cherry'. Everything about her just screamed the name 'Sakura'. The way she portrayed herself, how she talked, even if she did altered her voice, and her smiled… How could he miss all of these? Syaoran groaned in frustration.

On one hand, he wanted to confront her and demanded her explanation. He wanted to know why she had lied to him. But on the other hand, he didn't want to know. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of the truth. What if she was just playing with him, with his feelings? Syaoran shook his head.

'No, Sakura wouldn't do that to him. She wasn't like that…but then why she didn't tell me about 'Cherry'?' The more he thought about it, the more he became aggravated and even more confused. He groaned out loud and buried his head in his hands. Eriol, who was sitting next to him, gave him a look, but Syaoran didn't see nor care.

Sometime later, while Leo, today's judge, given out instructions; Syaoran had come to a conclusion. He would talk to Cherry after the race, and he would give her the chance to tell him everything he wanted to know. With his mind made up, his amber eyed burned with new determination. He would make sure that the race would finish in a record time.


The first paired was up. Lei and Tien.

Lei grinned in excitement. He turned to Sakura and she wished him luck. Lei thanked her and took his place in the starting line. When Leo shouted the word 'go', Lei's car shot off, leaving only dust behind.

Twenty minutes later, a car could be seen in the distance. It turned out to be Lei's yellow car. He finished the race in twenty-five minutes. He parked the car at the designated spot and got out. The crowd cheered. He beamed and went to Sakura. She smiled and congratulated him.

The next pair was drawn. Eriol and Cherry. This time, Lei wished her luck. She smiled and left for the starting line.


"Hmm, don't you think something is off?"

"What?" A distracted voice asked.

The dark haired man rolled his eyes. "Ryo, if you would just stop starring at the girls. Kami, you acted like you haven't seen them before."

"Oh hush, Takashi. But seriously, don't you think these girls are hotter than the one back home?" Ryo asked as he stared unblinking at the girls.

Takashi only shook his head. "What do you think, Touya?"

"It's disgusting," he replied as he watched his teammate drooled. Takashi chuckled.

"No, not about Ryo, about Sakura. Did you notice that she didn't seem to be that excited? That's just not her."

"I know what you mean, Takashi." Touya said. He continued to watch his sister. "Something's bothering her."

Takashi nodded in agreement. "That's what I thought as well. We should talk to her after the race." Touya silently concurred.


Sakura waited distractedly for Leo to say 'go'. And once he did, she sped off, leading the race. The road was straight as far as her eyes could see, so she stepped hard onto the gas. She glanced at the review mirror and saw that Eriol was right on her tail. She looked back at the road and decided not to look back. She would only stare straight.

The road started to curve; Sakura let off the gas a little and swerved the car following the path. Once the road was straight again, she accelerated even more. To anyone who was watching, only a pink blur could be seen.

Sakura was driving recklessly and at a high speed, and she was getting distracted by her thoughts. Syaoran was on her mind again. She played out possible scenarios in her mind of how she should tell him. What would be the best way to approach him? How could she start of? Sakura was so preoccupied that she nearly smashed into the side. Fortunately, she had a fast reflex.

She slid her foot side-way so she could step onto both the gas and the break pedals. She pulled up the hand brake and turned the steering wheel all the way. The car screeched loudly, black tires marked the road. The car slid passed the curve, only inches were apart from the side and the road. Once the car was clear from the curve, she pushed the hand brake back down, and quickly reset the steering wheel back to its position.

Her breathing was fast, and her heart hammered loudly against her chest. She wanted to stop the car and rest for a bit, but she knew she couldn't do that. So instead, she inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to calm her racing heart, and to blank her mind. Once she was calm enough, she accelerated the car again.

'Too close.'

Sakura drove with more concentration than before. She drifted as the road curved right and then left and back being straight again. She was so into the driving that she didn't realised she had reached the finished line and won. The loud applauses brought her back into the world. Sakura was startled, she blinked rapidly and gasped in surprised. She had passed the finished line and was about to continued on driving. She stopped the car, did a 180 degree turn and parked the car in the designated spot.

She closed her eyes, and leaned against the wheel with a tiresome sigh.


"Something's really wrong with her today."

"You noticed?" Takashi raised his brow in surprise.

"Give me a break man. Just because I was looking—"

"Perving shamelessly,"

"—at the girls, that doesn't mean I didn't see." Ryo said, ignoring the input from his friend.

Touya heard the comments from the two and he had to agree with them. Sakura was so distracted that she didn't realised she had finished the race. Touya started forward to the racers' corner. Ryo and Takashi made a move to follow him but Touya told them to stay. They grudgingly obeyed though Ryo gave him a big pout which Touya pointedly ignored.


Sakura was sitting in her seat with Lei next to her. He looked at her in concern. He had asked her what was wrong but she just smiled and said 'it was nothing'. Lei knew she was lying but didn't push her further.

"Sakura," a deep voice resounded from the back. Lei turned around and looked at the man in question. The man ignored the look from Lei, and continued to stare at Sakura.

Sakura tensed when she felt someone touched her shoulder. She turned around and was about to tell whoever it was to leave her alone but she froze. Her eyes widen and she felt tears slid down her cheeks.

"Touya!" She launched herself into his arms. Lei stared at them in surprised. Touya patted her back in a soothing comfort. Sakura stifled quietly. He frowned. He hated when his sister cried. Whoever it was that made her cried would pay dearly. Sakura hugged him tighter.

"Come," he led her away from the crowded area. Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching the interaction with anger, confusion... and hurt.

Touya led them to his rented car, which was far from the noisy crowd. He unlocked the door and dumped Sakura onto the seat, while he bent down on his knees.

"Tell me what's wrong, Squirt."

"N-Nothing," she sniffed.

"Sakura," he said warningly.

"It really is nothing, Touya. I guess, I'm just stressed out about…everything."

"Define 'everything'."

Sakura bit her lips. "Umm…school, homework, tests. You know?"

"You're never good at lying, Squirt." Touya shook his head.

"Oh umm right," she blushed.


While the Kinomoto siblings were away, the next race had started. It was between Lei and Syaoran. Lei was disappointed that Cherry was not there to watch and cheer for him. But he knew something was off with her. She was not her cheerful self. He just hoped whoever that guy was, would bring back the same happy girl back.

Syaoran, on the other hand was getting restlessness. He wanted to know who that guy was, and what he was doing with Sakura. But what he wanted to know most was why she attached herself to him? What was their relationship? The more he thought about their possible relationships, the more he became frustrated. He hit his fist against the steering wheel in aggravation. His amber eyed darkened. He had to finish the race, fast. He needed to talk to her.


A few minutes later, Touya's mobile went off. He said only the word 'I see' and hung up.

"Squirt, the race has started."

"Oh? I guess it's between Lei and…" she paused before saying 'Syaoran' in a sad voice. Touya narrowed his eyes in suspicious. That name was familiar but he couldn't place it where he had heard it from.

"Do you want to get back or stay here?" he asked, his tone softened.

"I guess we should head back. I don't want to miss the race." Touya nodded. Sakura cling onto his arm as they walked back to the noisy area. Half-way there, Ryo and Takashi was waiting for them. Sakura hugged them both and then returned to her brother's arm. Ryo walked next to Sakura and started chatting with her with eagerness.

"So lovely Sakura," he started, missing the 'look' from Touya. "When can I meet your girl friends?" He stressed the 'girl' part. Takashi groaned for the umpteenth time today. Sakura giggled. She knew how flirtatious Ryo could be.

"Well, I do know several pretty girls. Maybe I could introduce them to you."

"Yes, you must! I mean I'm your best friend aren't I?" He said with a big puppy eyes.

She laughed. "How can I resist such a look? Of course I'll introduce them to you."

"Thank you!" He hugged her, and twirled her around. Sakura squealed and giggled happily. Touya was glad that his sister was back to her happy self. Ryo was good for something at least but he should let her go right now.

"Watanabe, unhand my sister, now."

Ryo grinned but did what he was told. "Your wish is my command, Your Majesty," and bowed and then sent a flushed face Sakura a wink. Sakura giggled at his antic and at her brother annoyed look. Takashi chuckled.

"I'm glad you're back, Sakura,"

Sakura cocked her head. "I didn't go anywhere," she said puzzled.

Takashi smiled and shook his head, "Never mind." Sakura shrugged and started forward to the crowd.

"Good job, Ryo."

"Its part of my charms," flicked his hair. Touya smacked the back of his head, hard, before he went after Sakura.

"OW! What was that for?" Ryo nursed his bruised head. "Takashi, King is abusing me again!" He said with a pout.

Takashi shrugged whilst grinning and walked away.

"Hey. Hey! Don't walk away from me. I know you know something." Ryo shouted, running after his friend.

"Tell me, damnit!"


By the time Sakura was back at the racing area, ten minutes had passed. She headed to her seat and sat down. This was the best seat to see the race after all. Touya had followed her and entered the 'private area'. A guard came and tried to usher him out but with one 'look' from Touya, the guard gave him a free-way and fled.

Touya sat down next to Sakura. The two sat in a comfortable silent until the crowd roared deafeningly. Sakura stood up and gaped in surprise as she saw Syaoran's car reached the finished line. It had only been fifteen minutes and it was over already! She went closer to the rail and searched for the other car but found nothing as her eyes could see. She gripped the rail hard until her knuckle turned white.

Syaoran was good, really good. She grinned in anxious. She couldn't wait for her turn.


After Syaoran had parked his car, Leo announced that they'd had a break. He went over to his friends, they patted him in the back and told him 'good job'. Syaoran nodded and headed to an empty sit, away from his noisy friends. He closed his eyes and then reopened them again. His amber eyes darkened slightly at the scene he saw.

Sakura sat next to some dark haired boy. No, a man. And she seemed to be content as she rested her head on his shoulder. Syaoran gritted his teeth. The man turned to her with a smile, and in turned, Sakura smiled back at him. The man looked familiar to Syaoran but that didn't matter at the moment. All he wanted right now was to punch a certain someone that was only a few metres away from him. His fist clenched in response.

He leaned back on his chair and shut his eyes tightly. He breath deeply and willing the image to go away. He opened his eyes again but the sight was worse. This time the man had his arm around her shoulder. Syaoran stood up abruptly. His chair scraped loudly catching the attention of his friends. Enough was enough!

"Syaoran?" Eriol said stopping him on the spot. "You okay?"

He breathed deeply, his fist still clenched. "No."

Before he could continue forward, another person stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Meiling asked her hand on his arm. Syaoran said nothing but his eyes still focused on thing in front of him. Meiling saw and followed the path and stopped.

"Cherry?" she said in confusion. "What's going on?" Syaoran remain silent. "Syaoran?"

The man stood up from the chair, while Sakura remain seated. He said something to her, which Syaoran assumed was for her to stand up. The man tugged her arm before he hurled Sakura up onto his shoulder. He saw Sakura hitting at the man's back. The man laughed and set her down. Sakura stomped her foot on the ground, her arms crossed. She was pouting. Syaoran watched as the man grinned, ruffling her hair and then put his arm around Sakura's shoulder, dragging her body closer to him. At this point, Syaoran's temper was rocket high. His face had darkened immensely making both Meiling and Eriol stared at him in puzzle.

Syaoran started forward again but Meiling held on to him. He tried to shake free of her but she wouldn't let go, her nails dug into his skin. He turned to her, his eyes flashed in fury. Meiling had to stop herself from gasping in shock, although her nails dug into his skin deeper. Never once had she seen her cousin this angry. She wondered what had caused this reaction from him. And what did have to do with Cherry.

By the time Syaoran freed himself from Meiling, Sakura and the man was already gone. He cursed and stalked off, away from everyone. Meiling stared after him before turning her attention to Eriol.

"What's going on? I have never seen Syaoran this mad before."

Eriol looked at the spot where Cherry once stood. He raked his hand through his hair, with a sigh he replied, "I don't know." 'But I think it has to do with her.'


After the break was over, Sakura and Syaoran were summoned to where Leo was. Leo proceeded to explain to them that the course had changed a bit; the blocked path was now clear. Sakura nodded absentmindedly, not really listening to what he was saying. Syaoran too, was doing the same. After he finished with his explanation, he told them that they had five minutes before the race began, and left.

Syaoran finally noticed that Leo had left, he observed Sakura from the side. She was staring at the ground, her shoulder slumped. He turned and opened his mouth but words died on his lips once he saw him walking toward them. Syaoran felt his anger rising again. He glared icily at the man and left.


Touya walked toward his sister with Ryo and Takashi at his side. His brow rose when he saw Sakura's opponent glared at him. He shrugged it off. The boy was not his concern.

Only if he knew.


Leo announced that the final round had come. Sakura and Syaoran were already seated inside their car and at their position. Syaoran gripped the steering wheel tightly. He was still angry. He desperately needed to know who that man was but he never had the opportunity to get Sakura alone. And once he thought the chance had come, the damnable man interfered.

He hit the steering wheel in anger and frustration.

Sakura, on the other hand, was in the opposite mood. She was quiet and slightly withdrawn. Sakura shook her head and slapped her cheeks.

'No. I must concentrate. I can't afford to get distracted, again.'

She nodded to herself.

'Besides, this is probably my last race, so I must give everything I have.'

"Ok racers get ready for the count down." Leo yelled into the microphone while the crowd cheered on.



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