Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


A new day in a new country for Sakura Kinomoto. She sat up groggily, blinking to adjust her eyes to the brightness of the day. She yawned, stretching her limbs. She got up, made the bed and walked into the bathroom. She looked into the mirror; an emerald-eyed girl with messy auburn hair.

Sakura was feeling nervous about attending the new school, but at the same time she was excited. She couldn't wait to see what Hong Kong's school looked like. Would it be similar to the one in Japan? What about the teachers? And the students? She hoped they would like her. Nevertheless, she wasn't worried. She was a friendly person, so it shouldn't be that hard to make new friends. Sakura smiled at her new resolve, as she continued dressing.

She quickly put on a white short sleeved shirt and a navy pleated skirt. She put on navy school tie around her neck, fixing so it would not choke her. She walked to the dressing table, grabbed a comb and started combing her shoulder length hair.

Grabbing her bag from beside the bedside table, her eyes stopped at a photo. It was a photo of her and Touya, her big brother. They were both grinning at the camera. Sakura force the tears that were threatened to spill back in. She had promised that she wouldn't cry.

'I miss you.' She smiled sadly and left the room.

She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was one plate of breakfast on the dining table with a note.


I've made you breakfast, sorry I couldn't stay to eat with you, I've a meeting today. Have fun at your new school.



She smiled. The reason she was here, in this new country was because of her dad's job. He had been promoted to manager but he had had to move to Honk Kong. He didn't want to accept the position but Sakura had encouraged him to, even though she knew that she might have to leave Japan and Touya. Touya, who was currently studying in the University of Tokyo, was still in Japan. He had said it would be troublesome to transfer so he had stayed. But that wasn't the only reason he had stayed. He'd stayed because he had another commitment. Touya Kinomoto was the leader of his own racing team and also the number one Japanese street racer.

'It's alright, Hong Kong and Japan are not that far apart. I can always call him anytime. Besides, he promised that he'd visit.'

Sakura smiled at the thought as she started eating her breakfast. Once she was done, she washed the dishes and left the house. She looked up into the blue sky and said to herself.

'Welcome to Hong Kong, Sakura.'


The shrill sound of a bell was heard throughout Hong Kong high school. Students of Hong Kong's high rushed to get to their classrooms. Within moments, the crowded hallway was empty. Sakura walked down the hall and toward the office. Once she was there, she told the office lady that she was a new transfer student. The woman nodded and gave her her schedules and locker number. Sakura thanked the woman and left in pursuit of her class.

Room 323. This was it. Sakura gathered her courage and knocked softly before opening the door. The teacher looked at her in question before realizing something.

"Oh that's right," the teacher turned to the class. "We have a new student today. She's a transfer student." Eyes followed Sakura as she walked to the front of the room. She was nervous.

"Hi, I'm Sa—"

"SAKURA!" a loud voice interrupted her. Sakura blinked and looked at the person who had just screamed out her name.

"Oh kami! It's really is Sakura!" Sakura sweat dropped.

'Some things never change.'

"Ahem, Ms. Daidouji," the teacher cleared her throat loudly.

"Oh...sorry," the black haired girl with a shade of purple weaved through her hair blushed in embarrassment and sat down. The class giggled and laughed. Sakura hid her giggle and smiled. The teacher looked at her, telling her to continue.

"I'm Sakura Kinomoto, a transfer student from Japan. Please to meet you," she bowed and smiled brightly at the class. The boys grinned and cheered loudly, while the girls rolled their eyes at the boys but were happy that there was a new nice girl in class.

"Where shall I seat y—"

"Here!" an overly enthusiastic girl waved madly to an empty spot beside her. The teacher sighed.

"I guess you've found yourself a seat." Sakura smiled apologetically at the teacher and walked to the empty seat and sat down.

"I can't believe you're here! I'm so happy!" the amethyst eyed girl squealed, a bit too loudly.

"And I'm sure you'll be happier if you have detention this afternoon, Ms. Daidouji,"

"NO! I mean no, that won't be necessary Ms. Cheung," Tomoyo blushed and quieted down. Sakura giggled softly at her best friend. She had never seen Tomoyo act like this. Usually she was composed all the time. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen her best friend for two years. Time changed people, Sakura realized. Even she had changed.

"We'll talk later after class," Tomoyo whispered. Sakura nodded and smiled, turning her attention back to the teacher.


"Sakura!" Tomoyo squealed as she gave her best friend a tight hug. Sakura hugged her back.

"I can't believe that you're here. I'm so happy!"

"I never thought I'd see you here as well Tomoyo. Guess it's a small world after all!" Sakura grinned.

"Yes. And it's so good to see you, in person! I've missed you," Tomoyo voice quivered a bit.

"Tomoyo, don't cry on me okay," Sakura said gently.

"O-okay Sakura, I won't," she wiped her tears away. "But I'm still hurt. Why didn't you tell me you were moving here? We talked only a few days ago."

"Oh, that. I wanted to surprise you!" Sakura smiled brightly. "I plan to surprise you by showing up in front of your step. But I guess the plan is ruin."

"Oh! That's so sweet of you! It doesn't matter that your plan is ruin because you're with me now. That is so much better!" Tomoyo beamed and a familiar glint was in her eyes.

"Uh-oh, I know that look on your face,"

"Hohohoho, now that my dear Sakura is back with me. I can design her more clothes! Oh what a great day!" Her eyes were starry.

'Yup, the old Tomoyo is back. I'm glad she hasn't changed much.'

"Tomoyo!" a new voice interrupted.

"Oh hey girls," she greeted. "Meet my best friend, Sakura."

"Hi," Sakura smiled to the three girls in front of her.

"Sakura, these are my friends. From the right is Chiharu Mihara, a Japanese like us. Next is Rika Shizu, half Chinese, and half Japanese. And lastly Jia Yu, Chinese but was adopted in the States."

The three girls said hello to Sakura and talked in a hushed tone with Tomoyo. Sakura didn't care as she observed the girls.

Chiharu had brown short hair and brown eyes. She was slightly shorter than Tomoyo and Sakura. Rika was another brown haired girl but her hair was a shade darker than Chiharu's and was tied in a high pony tail. Her eyes were light brown. She was as tall as Sakura. The two were tanned and lean.

Jia was different from the first two. Her hair was reddish-brown, Sakura thought that she had probably dyed it into that shade. Her hair was long and was plaited the same style as Tomoyo's. She was the tallest out of all of them. Sakura looked back at her best friend and smiled. Tomoyo still looked the same as she had the last time she saw her. Except maybe she had grown taller, curvier and prettier. Her hair was plaited like how it was back in Japan. Her amethyst eyes still shine brightly and seemed to sparkle even more.

"Sorry about that Sakura," Tomoyo apologized, snapping Sakura out of her thoughts.

"It's alright," she waved her hand dismissively.

"It's Friday today, and tonight we have some errm competition going on. The girls and I will be in it," Tomoyo explained. "Chiharu just explained to me the details about tonight."


"And errm…say, you want to come with me tonight?" Tomoyo asked.


"Are you sure Tomoyo? I mean she's…" Chiharu asked with uncertainty.

"Tomoyo, I don't think it's a good idea," Jia interrupted. Sakura looked at them in confusion.

'What are they talking about?'

"I'm sure guys. Besides, she's my best friend. She should know what I do," Tomoyo said.


"You'll see tonight," she smiled.


After school

"So Sakura, where do you live? I need your address so I can pick you up tonight,"

"Oh it's 12 Cherry Hills St," Sakura answered while packing her bag.

"Cool! That's only 3 blocks away from where I live."

"How will you get home Sakura?" Chiharu asked.

"Oh, bus,"

"What?" the four girls shrieked.

"A bus?" Rika repeated, Sakura nodded, not sure what was wrong with the bus.

"Tomoyo, this will not do!" Jia stated.

"I agree. Sakura, do you have a car?"

Sakura shook her head, "It's—"

"Do you know how to drive?"

She nodded, "I—"

"At least that's a good start," Jia commented.

"We have to get you a car!"


"Yeah, it's also more convenient."

"But w—"

"Alright, it's settled. We'll ask Jake if he have some spare car that he could sell for cheap." Tomoyo stated.

"Good idea," Rika agreed.

"But I d—"

"Don't worry Sakura, Jake's cars are awesome stuff."

"But wh—"

"Yep, talk about cars. I can't wait for tonight,"


The four girls walked out of the class with Sakura in tow. She frowned slightly at the girls.

'Why can't they let me finish my sentences?' Sakura sighed.

"C'mon Sakura!" Tomoyo shouted.



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