Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"….thank you for flying with us. Enjoy your stay in Japan and have a nice afternoon." The intercom went off as soon as the plane has landed. Sakura stood up from her seat and stretch. Gathering her belongings and bag from the compartment, she waited patiently for the line to move so she could get off the plane.


"Where is she? She's late!" The black hair young-man paced around, looking at his watch every five seconds.

"Stop your pacing Ryo!" Ryo stopped for a bit before he started again.

"Ryo dude, even her brother is not as anxious as you."

"Shut up Tak. I'm just excited to see her!" The one called Tak, shook his head.

"Ryo…if you don't stop this instant, you'll not be allowed to enter any race for a month."

Ryo stopped dead in his track. "Oh come on King, that's just too harsh. I ju—"

"I mean it," Ryo sighed in defeat. Several seconds later a sound of foot tapping could be heard.

King twitched, veins popping, glaring at the irritating man. Tak chuckled in amusement.

"Ryo…"the name was pronounced slowly and deliberately.

Ryo didn't hear or he chose not to, continued tapping his foot. King was slowly loosing his temper to the annoying young man.

"That's it! You're—"

"Cherry!" Ryo shouted, cutting him off completely. He ran excitedly to the said girl and enveloped her into a big hug before spinning her around. A melodic laughter could be heard from the girl.

"Good to see you too Ryo," she laughed, her eyes shone in happiness.

"Hello Sakura,"

"Hi Tak," she smiled, hugging the boy.

"Watanabe, get your hands off of her."

"Awwh King!" Ryo pouted and he reluctantly let go. Sakura giggled and ran up to King and embraced him a bear hug.

"I missed you…Touya."

Touya smiled gently at his sister and patted her head affectionately. "Come, let's get you home."


"Watanabe, get Sakura's things and meet us back at the house." Without leaving any room for protest, Touya took Sakura's hand and led her out.

Tak chuckled at the confused Ryo. "He only calls me that when he's mad at me. What the hell did I do?"

"You were hugging his sister,"

"So? What's wrong with that?" He asked grabbing Sakura's luggage.

Tak shook in his head in amusement, "Touya is very protective of her. Touching her, huggingher, especially in front of him is a death wish for you."

Ryo gulped. "You're kidding?"

"No one will ever find your body." Tak hid his grin and walked away. He nearly laughed when he heard something fell onto the ground with a loud thud. 'I love my life.'

Ryo paled. "I'm too young to die!"


Half and hour later a black spider pulled up into the similar drive way of a two storey house. Sakura and Touya got out of the car. He unlocked the front door and the two of them stepped inside.

"Home sweet home," Sakura smiled and walked around the bottom level of the house. She walked back into the lounge room and plopped down onto the couch.

"This place hasn't changed much," she commented when Touya reappeared.

"Why change anything?" He said as he placed down a glass of orange juice and a water bottle onto the table, he sat next to her.

"Admit it, you're just lazy," she giggled. At that moment, the sound of front door opened was heard, followed by voices of two people.

"Don't pull my leg Tak, it's not funny!"

"Ryo, have I ever lie?"

Ryo sighed. "Honestly…I can't tell the difference when you're lying or not."

Tak chuckled slightly as he closed the front door and proceeds inside the house. As the two reached the lounge room, Ryo froze upon seeing Touya. He dropped the luggage he was carrying.

"NOOO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" He screamed and disappeared upstairs. Sakura looked at Tak in confusion while Touya only raise his eyebrow.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Oh, don't worry about him,"

"Do I even want to know what you did to him Takashi?" Tak only laugh.


Five days had passed since Sakura's arrival in Tokyo. The first day she was at home resting, and on the second day, she went back to her old school to visit her friends and ex-teachers. And for the remaining three days, she went out, shopping or wandering around some new places until late afternoon, or when her brother had returned from University. Sakura was glad that at last it was Friday, for it meant that her brothers and the others would be on a break, and therefore, she would finally get to do some interest things.

On that same afternoon, while she was reading a magazine on the couch, Touya, Ryo and Takashi had returned from the University. Ryo and Takashi walked into lounge room where she was, while Touya went upstairs.

"'ello Cher!" Ryo greeted and plopped down next to her.

"Hi Ryo, Tak. How have your day been?" She smacked Ryo's hand as he reached for her sandwich on the table. "Get your own."

"I was fine but would've been better if you'd give me that yummy looking sandwich."

"Nice try Ryo but better luck next time," she giggled.

"My day was alright, what about yours?" Takashi asked as he sat down opposite them.

"Boring, as usual. I went to the park for a few hours, then to the mall to buy some magazine to re—Hey! That's mine!"

Ryo grinned as he chewed and swallowed the last piece of a sandwich. "Not anymore." He added, "It's delicious by the way."

Sakura grabbed a nearby cushion and started hitting him with it.

"Hey—ow ow. Sto—ow. My hea—ow. No. No more!" Sakura wasn't listening and continued to hit him. "NO! Not the—ow—hair…" he sighed as Sakura ruffled and messed his hair. "Are you done yet woman?"

"Quite," she giggled and observed her work. Ryo's face was flushed and his hair was flying in all direction.

Takashi chuckled. Ryo glare at him, giving him the 'shut up' look. Touya chose to appear at that time. He gave Ryo an amusement look before sitting down next to Takashi.

"Is that your new trend?" Touya asked nodding to Ryo's dishevelled hair.

"Yeah. What do you think?" he asked, flipping his hair.

"I think it resembles a bird nest."

Sakura and Takashi burst of laughing. Ryo's mouth dropped causing the two to laugh louder.

"Thanks," he muttered, fixing his hair. "What a way to boost my confidence."

"Your ego is big enough as it is."

"Why are you being so cruel?"


The following morning at 10am, Sakura was cooking breakfast in the kitchen when Ryo and Takashi turned up. When she had finished her cooking, the four ate their breakfast at the dinning table. It was then she learned that there would be a race tonight between NOX (Touya's team) and the Lighting (some new team).


It was finally the night time. Sakura stood next to Touya, Ryo, and Takashi as the team was getting ready for the race. Hikaru, one of the NOX members was the one that represented the team. Touya gave the usual pep talk to the team before the race began.

Close to an hour later, the race has ended. And as Sakura had thought, NOX had won. It was an easy win. NOX, along with Sakura, Touya, Ryo and Takashi went to celebrate their victory at the club called the 'Butterfly'.

The bouncer opened the way for them into the club. Once in, a woman with long reddish/brown hair met them.

"Hello Kings, Takashi, Sakura."

Touya was the Tokyo King and Ryo was the Shadow King. Their dubbed names were known throughout Tokyo and most of the provinces in the racing community. Touya was the number one racer in Tokyo and has never been beaten, yet. Ryo was called the Shadow King because his techniques were exactly that, shadowing. He could mimicked the skills of others and used as his own flawlessly. He loved to shadow his opponents before winning the race.

"Good evening to you, my lady Kaho," the ever charming, Takashi greeted as he took hold of her hand and kissed at the back. Touya rolled his eyes, Ryo grinned and Sakura giggled. Kaho had always called Touya and Ryo as Kings.

"Charming as always," Kaho smiled.

"Of course," he winked and let go of her hand.

Kaho Mizuki, the owner of the Butterfly, led them upstairs to the VIP room. The Butterfly was the regular place where NOX hung out. Kaho was Touya's friend. He'd met her during a race. To Sakura and other NOX members however, knew better.

Sakura had made up her mind. Before she went back to Hong Kong, she'd get those two together. Somehow.

It was the largest room available at the Butterfly and only opened for NOX – a high rank NOX. Inside the room was a complete home-theatre set – a large plasma TV complete with stereo systems against one wall. A mini-bar on the right near-back corner, complete with glasses and beverages. There was a large one-way window at the back of the room where the outsider couldn't see through the inside. The room was also soundproof.

Nearly the centre-back of the room was a medium size coffee table that was surrounded by couches. The Kings and Sakura sat themselves down at their usual spot. Sakura sat next to Touya on one couch, Ryo on one and Takashi on the other.

"The usual?"

"Yes, thanks Kaho." Kaho nodded.

"I'll be right back."

After Kaho left the room, Ryo turned on the TV. He changed channels until he found the one he liked – the Terminator 3.

"That movie is so old!" Sakura commented.

Ryo shrugged. "Better this than that cheesy chick flick. Or that black and white movie."

Several minutes later, Kaho came back in with one of the waitress who was holding a tray filled with drinks and snacks. She told the girl to set the things down on the table and then dismissed her. Before Kaho could sit down, Sakura got up and drag the woman to where her brother sat. She then, settled herself next to Ryo. She gave her brother an innocent look when he glanced at her. Kaho only gave her a small smile in which Sakura returned.

Ryo nudged her and whispered, "You planning to get those two together?"


"Good luck with that. We've…well I've tried but your brother is just too…stubborn."

Sakura grinned. "That's why I'm here."


Three hours later, the three men and Sakura arrived at the house. Takashi dragged the half-drunk Ryo who was singing his opera song into the house and up the stairs.



"Awwh. Don't you love me?"

"I swear once you're sober, I'll kick your ASS!"

Sakura couldn't help herself but giggle. Touya rubbed his temple. He could feel a headache coming. Turning around, he kissed Sakura's forehead and bid her goodnight.


/Next Morning/

"Arrgh. I hate hang-over." Ryo plopped himself down on the kitchen stool, placing his head on the wooded bench.

"Good morning!"

"Please don't shout. I feel like my head's going to explode."

"Serves you right," Takashi smirked. Ryo pouted.

"Here, drink this Ryo. It should help with your hangover."

"Thanks Cher!." Ryo smiled in gratitude while accepting a strong black coffee from her. "Hmmm, you'll make a good housewife one day. Say—"

"Maybe a trip to a hospital will do you good hmm, Watanabe?" Another voice interrupted. Ryo gulped.

"Ah haha," he laughed nervously. "Good morning King. Lovely day isn't it?"

"It will be," Touya replied cracking his knuckles.

"R-Right," Ryo stuttered. Takashi snickered. "So what's for breakfast?"



/Hong Kong/

"Why can't I go too?" Meiling sulked.

"Stop sulking Mei."

"I am NOT sulking!"

Syaoran gave her a 'whatever you say' look. Meiling hmmped and cross her arms.

"All packed Syaoran?" Eriol asked as he stepped into Syaoran's room.


Glancing in Meiling's direction, Eriol raise his brow. "Are you…sulking Mei?"

"I am NOT sulking! Must I repeat myself!"

Eriol put his hand up defensively. "Geez no need to bite my head Mei."

"I don't like you!" She shouted and stomped off, shutting the door with a loud bang.

"You? Or me?"


Five hours later, Syaoran and Eriol stood inside the Tokyo airport. They gathered their luggages and called a taxi to drop them off at the five-star hotel that was booked under the name Li.

Syaoran's and Eriol's rooms were next to each other. Once inside, Syaoran had started to unpack and when he was done, he lied down on the queen size bed, resting.

This was not the first time Syaoran had been in Japan. He was here many times before and was fluent in Japanese. Eriol and Meiling were the same. Thinking about things, his mind started to wander to a certain emerald eyes girl. He wondered what she was doing now. Sighing inwardly, he closed his eyes.

He had forgotten to ask for her address and phone numbers.


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