Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

"Cherry! WHERE ARE YOOOOOOOOOU!" Ryo's voice called out. He poked his head into the lounge room and saw Sakura sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hands. "Ah, there you are!" He plopped down next to her on the couch. Sakura glanced up from her magazine in question.

"I have news for you!"

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well...what are you reading? Cosmo? You're reading that girls' crap?"

"If you haven't notice…I AM a girl!" She snatched the magazine back from him in annoyance.

Ryo's mouth formed an 'o'. "And all this time…I thought you were a boy!"

Sakura gasped and started smacking Ryo with the magazine.

"OWW! Jokes, jokes! No. Stop! I yield, I yield!" Sakura stopped and glared at the dark hair boy instead. Ryo nursed his bruised arms. "God woman, you're such a violent little thing!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Do you want to repeat that?" Ryo shook his head. "I thought so."

Ryo sighed under his breath and mumbled, "This family is after my blood."

"What was that?"

"Nothing," he quickly replied. Sakura nodded, knowing fully that he was lying but chose to ignore it for the time being.



Sakura rolled her eyes. "You were going to tell me something?"

"What? Oh that! Right," he paused. "There's going to be a race between NOX and Knights tomorrow's night. Also, the Thunder Brothers have once again, challenged your brother." Ryo sighed and shook his head, "I swear those two idiots don't know the word quit. They'll need a miracle to win against King!"

Sakura lightly squealed. Two races in a week! How awesome was that!

"So who?" she asked once she calmed down.

Ryo grinned, "Yours truly."

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Oh my god! That's fantastic!" Sakura screamed in delight, her magazine forgotten on the floor. "I haven't seen you in action for ages. Oooh! I can't wait. This is going to be so much fun!"


"Yo! Long time no see my friend." A person said, slapping the back of the young man with blue hair that was sitting on couch.

"Yes, long time indeed." Eriol smiled and told the young man to sit.

"So, where's his royal pain the ass?" Eriol chuckled and glanced over his shoulder.

"He's behind me isn't he?" The young man turned around with a goofy grin on his face. "Syao my man! How have you been?"

Syaoran rolled his eyes and sat down. "Worst, now that I've seen you."

"Ouch. I think you've just break my heart."

"Shut up Tak. Stop being such a drama queen." Takashi grinned.

"So, how long will you stay?"

"Probably for another 4 days," Eriol answered. Takashi nodded.

"Good. You came just in time." Syaoran raise his brow. "A race. Tomorrow's night."


"Knights…and NOX,"

"Your team?" Syaoran asked.

"Yeah and this time, you get to see them in action."

"We'll see how good they are."

Takashi smirked, "You won't be disappointed."


Finally the fateful night had arrived.

Sakura had just finished changing into her usual 'night' clothes. Tonight, she was wearing a black halter top which had a picture of a cherry blossom in the centre, a tight faded blue jeans. She was about to leave the room but decided to grab a white cap in the last minute and put it on. When she was done, she went down stairs. Touya was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. He nodded when he saw her and then started walking. Sakura followed him out into the garage and into the car.

Twenty minutes later, the Kinomoto siblings had reached their destination, the Tokyo Street. As usual, the area was packed. Most of the Tokyo's teams had attended tonight's race. As soon as the car stopped, Sakura jumped out and ran to where Ryo was.


"How are you this fine night?" he asked, smiling.

"Excited!" Sakura beamed. "When will the race starts?"

Looking at his watch, he replied. "Hmm…in about 20 minutes."


"Hello King!" Ryo greeted. Touya nodded and stood next to Sakura.

"You know what'll happen if you lose Watanabe."

Ryo groaned. "Oh come on Touya."

Sakura giggled, she knew perfectly well what would happen if Ryo had lost.

"I am notgoing to wash the team's cars…again!"

"Then don't lose." Ryo groaned once more. Ryo had lost once against some no name team. Touya was annoyed that he could be so careless, so he said "next time you lose, you'll be punished". Of course, Ryo being Ryo didn't believe that Touya would go through with his threat. So, once again he had lost. Touya simply ordered him to wash the team's cars. But at that time, Touya had said he was feeling generous, so Ryo ended up washing only 20 cars. However next time, he had to wash all of the cars, which were about 50 or more. After that one time, Ryo had taken Touya's threat very, very seriously. He had learnt his lesson.

"Where's Takashi?" Touya asked, ignoring the sulking Ryo.

"He said he's picking up his friends." One of the NOX's members answered.

"Get ready Watanabe. And stop sulking."

"I do notsulk!" He shouted but Touya was long gone. Sakura giggled.

"There, there." She patted his back.

"Thanks," he sniffed. "Hmm, I think I should get ready or else King will kill me."

"I agree," Sakura said in a mocked seriousness. "And without Tak here to stop him…well, it won't be pretty for you."

Ryo shuddered. The Kinomoto siblings were downright scary.

"Come on, let's go!" Sakura dragged him towards where his car was and of course it had to be next to Touya.

Touya was talking to Knights' leader. His expression was stoic as usual but Sakura could see that he was irritated. Ryo and Sakura stood next to him, listening to the conversation quietly.

"As I said before…King," the Knights' leader spat out the name like it was poisonous causing Sakura to frown. "Our team is number one in Kyoto and will definitely be number one here as well," he said conceitedly.

Sakura narrowed her eyes in distaste. Who the hell did he think he was, talking to the Tokyo King like that? She was about to give him a piece of her mind, and seems that Ryo had the same thought, but they were interrupted.

"So what do you say? I think a little bet will make this game more… interesting."

"We don't do bet, Hiroshi." Touya answered shortly.

"Oh c'mon Touya-" Sakura twitch at how casually this Hiroshi man called her brother. "-a little bet won't hurt. It'll probably stimulate our racers even more."

"Boss, I think the NOX are probably a bunch of chicken." A man with dirty bleached blonde hair spoke up. Hiroshi snickered.

"Don't say thing like that Neo."

Ryo was gritting his teeth, clenching and unclenching his fisted hand. How dare this thing insulted, not only Touya but NOX as a whole.

"We accept." Ryo blinked and turned towards the shortest person in the group.

"Who do you think you are little girl, butting into a big man's business." The wannabe foreigner sneered. Ignoring the comment, Sakura asked, smiling.

"What are the conditions, Hiroshi?"

Hiroshi grinned nastily. "The NOX must admit defeat and declare that Knights is superior to them. But most importantly, NOX is to be Knights' underling for six months."

"Now wait a minute you—"

"Is that all?" Sakura interrupted once again. Her smile was still on her face.

"Well, that was the condition before I see you," he leered. "If NOX lose, you'llbecome Knights' property."

"PROPERTY? Who the hell do you think you are bastards?" Ryo yelled.

Ignoring Ryo's outburst, Sakura turned towards her brother with a determine looks in her eyes.

Touya inwardly sighed. Sakura had made up her mind and nothing, including himself, could stop her. "We accept."

"Fantastic!" Hiroshi grinned.

"And what if the Knights lost?" Sakura asked.

"We'll become NOX's subordinate for six months and whatever you wish us to do. Not like that'll happen." He added.

Sakura smiled sweetly, a tad too sweet in Ryo's opinion. She turned to Ryo, her expression had changed. Her emerald eyes had darkened into forest green, she shortly said, "Smash them."

"If you lose'll know the true meaning of the word 'Demon'." Touya added. Ryo paled considerably. How could he forget? Before Touya became the Tokyo King, he was known as the Demon King. And now that his sister fate was in his hands, losing was not an option.


"What a crowd!" Eriol remarked as Takashi drove past through what seems to be like an endless rows of cars.

Takashi shrugged. He was used to see this kind of crowds.

"NOX must be really popular around here."

Takashi smirked. "What can I say? We have two Kings in our team."

Syaoran had to admit that the numbers of people attended tonight was unusually large. Even when his team was racing, it could not compare to this.

"Alright, here we are." Takashi said as he parked the car. "I'll introduce you to King."

The trio walked towards where Touya was. The tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

"Whoa, it's hard to breathe here." Takashi commented. "What's up King? And where are those two?"

"In his car,"

Takashi nodded. "Oh yeah, Touya, these are my friends from HK, Syaoran and Eriol. Guys this is Touya or King, NOX's leader."

Touya acknowledged the two young men. Eriol was smiling and being friendly but the chocolate haired boy…Touya narrowed his eyes. There was something about him. Touya just didn't like him. He didn't know why but everything in him hated the young man.

"So, tell me why there's so much tension in the air?"

"I've accepted a bet,"

Takashi blinked once.


Was he hearing thing? Did he just said- "Come again?"

"Knights have made a bet and I've, no she has accepted it."

"You're betting!" Takashi looked at him disbelief. Touya rolled his eyes.

"Get over it Takashi. Besides it's not like I have a choice."

Takashi nodded dumbly. He was trying to get over the initial shock. Touya Kinomoto hated gambling more than anything in life. His close friend was dead due to an illegal gambling. Some mafia killed him because the guy couldn't pay back the money he owed.

"You mind explaining?"

Touya sighed and started explaining from the beginning.

"Ah I see. What a bunch of conceited moron, no wonder she accepted it." Takashi shook his head and snickered. "She really said 'smash them'?" Seeing Touya nodded in affirmative, Takashi grinned. "This is getting even more fun!"

The same thought ran through Syaoran's and Eriol's minds. Who the heck was this 'she'person?

At that moment, a familiar voice called out. Syaoran and Eriol turned around and were surprised at the person they saw.

"Takkie! You're here! Did Touya—"

"Yes, yes he did. I must say this will be one unforgettable race." Sakura agreed whole heartedly. She still didn't notice the two young men that stood next to Takashi and continued speaking.

"I felt bad for Ryo though. I mean not only he has the pressure from racing but from this as well. But I know he can do it, I have faith in him."

Takashi smiled.

"He knows he can't lose 'cause if he did…" Takashi glanced at Touya. "Well, let's not go there."

Sakura opened her mouth and was about to start talking again when she finally noticed the two young men. She gasped in shock.

"Syao-Li? Eriol? What are you two doing here?" She squeaked, looking at the two boys nervously, hoping they didn't catch her mistake.

"You know them Sa—"

"Cherry!" she shouted, a bit too loudly. The group looked at her in surprise. This was bad. Really, really bad. "Yes, I've met them in HK." Sakura thanked her lucky star for the cap she was wearing.

Takashi looked at her knowingly and grinned. "Ah I see, met them as 'Cherry' then."

Sakura wanted to smack him. How obvious could he be! She took a chance and glanced at the Hong Kong's boys and let out a relieve sigh. They didn't take notice of Takashi wording. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't smack him. And that was what she did.

"Hey! What was that for?"

She glared at him before answering. "I felt like it." Sakura glanced at Syaoran's direction once again and blushed. She hadn't realised how much she had missed him and his teasing.

Touya took in the situation quietly. He noticed the gobsmack look his sister had when she saw the two boys. How she interrupted Takashi with her alias name. Not to mention the way she looked at the amber eyed boy. Touya decided that he didn't that look. Especially the blushing she had on her face. No. Not at all.

He was sure that there was something going on between Sakura and the Chinese brat. He'd get to the bottom of this.

"It's time." Touya said, glaring at Syaoran before he took a hold of Sakura's hand and led her to the starting line. Eriol looked at Syaoran in question but he just shrugged. Takashi on the other hand grinned knowingly.

"Good luck Syao," Takashi patted his friend's back and left towards the starting line.

"What was that? And why did Tak wish you luck when you're not even racing?"

Syaoran shrugged uncaring.


"How do you know them?"

Sakura groaned. She loved Touya but sometimes his over protectiveness was a pain.

"I told you, in HK. They're my friend's cousins and she introduced them to me."


"Fine," she sighed. "They know me as both Sakura and Cherry. Sakura is their friend while Cherry is their opponent." Touya was quiet, waiting for her to continue. "I've raced against their team members before and—"

"Tell me how…Sakura know them," Touya interrupted.

"Yes, do tell. I'm curious myself." Takashi joined them.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Like I said before, my friend introduced them to me. They're cousins. And Eriol is Tomoyo's—you remember her, my childhood best friend? Well, he's her boyfriend. And Syaoran is Eriol's best friend and we hung out together a couple of times. End of story."

Touya wasn't satisfied with her story. "Tell me more about the brown hair Chinese brat."

"Syaoran's not a brat!" she scolded.

"Syaoran is it?" Takashi grinned. "If I could recall, he never lets anyone call him that unless they're close."

Touya narrowed his eyes at Takashi's statement.

"Umm…oh the race is starting soon. I still haven't wish Ryo good luck." Sakura ran off leaving an infuriated brother and an amused Takashi.

Touya turned to Takashi, "Tell me."

"Syaoran's a good person. He may be a bit cold but he's honest and trustworthy. He'd nevercheat in any circumstances and he doesn't flirt with girls…unless he likes her.

"He's a racer as well, a leader of his team actually, the Emperor. One of the top racing team in HK, not to mention he's the top in his region. His skills, techniques and strategies are superb. He's pretty ruthless to his opponent…just like you."

Touya listened to every single word that Takashi had said. He contemplated the situation and came up with one conclusion.

"I don't like the Chinese brat."


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