Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The bell had just rung in HK High. The students cheered as it signal the beginning of their winter break holiday. Sakura sigh happily as she packed her belongings.

"We're FREE!" Chiharu exclaimed in excitement.

"A month without school! Ah sweet freedom," Jia said. Once the five girls had finished their packing, they walked out the room together.

"We need to celebrate!"

"That we do." Tomoyo grinned.

"Who's for Clow say Aye,"

The chorus of Ayes were heard, followed by the sound giggles.

Twenty minutes later the five girls sat in an empty booth inside the café. Their drinks and cakes were in front of them.

"So, what's everyone planning to do this hol?" Rika asked.

"Getting ready for the event of course!" Jia said. "We only have a few weeks to practice."

"That and I'm visiting grandma with my parents for a week," Chiharu said.

"Let see," Tomoyo started counting off her fingers as she listed her plans. "Race. Clothes designing and making. Go to Paris with mum for a week. More racing. Go on date with Eriol…that's all I can think at the moment."

Rika giggled. "You have everything all planned out."

"Somewhat," Tomoyo smiled.

"I'm still plan-less, beside from the obvious racing." Rika sighed. "What about you Sakura?" She turned to Sakura who was drinking her favourite strawberry shakes.

"Errm well," Sakura began, swirling her straw in circle. "I'm planning to visit my brother in Japan for a week or two. And then…" Continue on with my nightly activities until the big day. "I don't know. Probably be bored out of my mind until the hol is over," she laughed.

"Oh, going back to Japan huh? That's nice. I haven't been there myself." Jia said.

"Mhmm, I haven't been there since I moved here." Tomoyo added.

"When are you leaving?" Rika asked.

"In a few days,"

"Hey girls!"

The five girls turned around at the source of the voice.

"Mei! Good to see you!"

Meiling grinned as she sat herself down on an empty spot, next to Sakura.

"Thank goodness for school holiday. I'm about to die from overwork," she complained. "Anyhow, what are you girls up to?"

"We were just talking about our plan for the holiday. And Sakura here was saying she's going to Japan." Meiling brow rose.

"Really? That's great. Syaoran and Eriol are planning to go there as well. They won't tell me why though." She shook her head. "Really, I ought to smack to hell out of 'em for having secrets." The girls giggled.

It was nearly 6pm when the girls bid goodbyes to one another and headed home.


"I heard she's coming."

A young man with dark brown hair nodded. "Yes."

"Can't wait, I've missed her." The black hair man grinned.

"You touch her, you die. Clear?"

"Crystal." But the grin never fades.


/Next morning/

Sakura was asleep on her bed hidden beneath her pink quilt. She shifted slightly as the sun shone through the curtain, lightening her room. She shifted again at the sound of a loud alarm clock in the silent bedroom. Placing the pillow above her head, she buried herself deeper beneath the quilt. She could still hear the sound, loud and clear. Groaning Sakura threw the quilt and pillow off of her and opened her eyes. She blinked, adjusting to the bright light. Rolling to the side, she turned the alarm off. Yawning, Sakura got up and stretch, and then walked into the bathroom.

Half an hour later Sakura made her way downstairs. She greeted her dad in the kitchen and helped him carrying their breakfast to the table. The two sat down at their usual spot and started eating. Half way during the meal, Fujitaka interrupted the silence.

"I wish I could go with you but I can't. I'm sorry honey," he said sadly. "Unfortunately, I have an important meeting in China that I can't miss."

"That's alright dad, I understand. And I'm sure Touya will as well. " Sakura smiled reassuringly seeing that her dad's face saddened.

"Thanks honey. But do tell Touya that he should come and visit us here sometimes. And that I've missed him."

"Will do dad," she smiled.

"Oh and do try to persuade him to live with us here."

Sakura giggled and thought about his racing team back in Japan. "I doubt it dad, but I'll try."




"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with cherries on top?"

Sigh. "No. No. No."

A voice chuckled. "We'll be scouting around…seeing how other teams are doing and things like that."

"Thank YOU! That wasn't hard was it?" Meiling scoffed at her cousin.

Syaoran sigh and shook his head. "Do you have to know everything?"

"YES!" She shouted before adding, "As long as it involves the team…and Sakura of course." Eriol chuckled.

"Now that you have your answer, you can go."

Meiling crossed her arms, "Why? You have more secrets?"

"No. I want to discuss something with Eriol. Privately," he added.

Meiling narrowed her eyes and was about to retort but Eriol interrupted her first. "Don't you have an outing with the girls? It's…10 already. Aren't you going to be late?"

She gasped, looking at her own wrist watch. "No way! Crap, I'm going to be late!" She ran out of the room and closed the door with a bang.

"Well…"Eriol looked expectantly at Syaoran.


"A thank you would be nice. I got rid of her after all." Syaoran rolled his eyes.


/Two days later/

Six girls and two boys stood in front of the check-in point. Sakura was being hug by all the girls as they said good-bye to one another.

"Thanks for coming guys," she said smiling.

"Anytime Kura,"

"And remember…don't do anything I wouldn't do." Meiling winked.

"I'll try…but I can't make any promises," she winked back. The girls giggled.

Eriol cleared his throat. "Well Sakura, I hope you have a fun time in Japan."

"Thanks Eriol," she smiled.

"Anyway…I think Syaoran here has something to say…right?" He nudged the amber eyes boy.

"Be careful."

Meiling groaned, "Is that all you're going to say to her? She'll be to gone for a whole two weeks! And that's all you're going to say to her?" Her outburst attracted many attentions.

Sakura blushed in embarrassment. "Th-thank you Syaoran," she said softly.

"You're welcome," he replied evenly but his face was a shade pinker.

"Argh! Hopeless! I tell you, hopeless!" Meiling grumbled causing the girls and Eriol to chuckle.

Looking at her watch, Sakura said, "I think I better go now. See you all later."

A chorus of byes were heard. Sakura waved and started walking forward to the check-in point.

"Little Blossom!" Syaoran called out, jogging up to her.

She turned around. "Yes?" She smiled and her emerald eyes lit up brightly.

His heart skipped a beat. "I…I'll see you in two weeks time."

She stared at him in hesitation before she stepped closer to him with a big smile on her face and gave him a quick hug. "Yes, I'll see you in two weeks."

Syaoran walked back to where his friends were with a small smile on his face.


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